A just energy transition is necessary to ensure that the transition to a low-carbon economy is both effective and equitable, and no one is left behind in the process.

Without a just energy transition, there is a risk that some groups may be left behind, particularly those who are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and those who rely on carbon-intensive industries for their livelihoods. This could result in social and economic inequalities, exacerbating existing disparities and disadvantaging some communities.

On the other hand, a just energy transition, if designed and executed properly, can bring massive benefits to communities. This includes improving public health, creating new green jobs, promoting energy independence, reducing energy costs, and increasing access to affordable and reliable energy for all members of society. Furthermore, a just energy transition can empower local communities to actively shape their energy future and promote social cohesion by fostering collaboration and cooperation across diverse groups.

Implementing a just energy transition in the region is a challenging task that requires a clear and compelling vision, sustained investment, and commitment to collaboration. Tara is committed to supporting organisations and initiatives that share the goal of achieving a just energy transition in Asia.

Our Programmes

Flooded road during a flood caused by heavy rain

Why Asia Matters

We strongly believe that accelerating a just energy transition in Asia is a win-win for both people and the planet.

Drawing sustainability house for our new home, Thai girl enjoy her activity, painting and drawing art product with her family.

Our Theory of Change

We harness the power of collective action to tackle the climate crisis in Asia.

Cleaning the solar panels installed on the roof

Clean Acceleration

We believe accelerating the deployment of clean energy in Asia has the power to mitigate the effects climate change, enhance energy security, and uplift livelihoods.